Our Commitment

Posted 1 week ago

Information on our shared responsibilities

Through the Our Commitment campaign, we want you to have the necessary information to understand your rights and responsibilities while living in our accommodation, including:

  • The support and service you will receive from staff.
  • Your rights while living in our accommodation.
  • Your responsibilities to people you're living with.
  • Your agreement to the ResLife Code of Conduct.

Here are some resources on each of our six commitments:


Students that live together in our accommodation have the right to live in a hygienic environment. 


Students that live together in our accommodation have the right to feel safe and secure. 

a group of people that are standing in the grass

Students that live together in our accommodation have the right to feel respected and free from bullying or harassment.


Students that live together in our accommodation have the right to not live with excessive noise.


Students that live together in our accommodation have the right to a space that promotes good sleep health. 

a double bed with a blanket

Students that live together in our accommodation have the right to create an environment where you can connect with and find your community. 


Thank you for working with us to fulfil these commitments. If you need any support or have questions about Our Commitment, please get in touch via email.