Top tips for ordering an allergy-safe takeaway

Posted 1 week from now

Help with ordering food if you have a food allergy

If you've got a food allergy, navigating the new experiences that come with new stages of life can bring about extra risks. 

When you've move into University accommodation, you might want to order food from Bath's wide range of takeaways. 

Follow our tips to be allergy aware and make sure everyone enjoys their food whilst staying safe.

Be allergy aware

Find out if anyone in the group you’re ordering for has a food allergy.

Speak to the restaurant every time

If ordering by app, don’t rely on the in-app messaging service.

Call the restaurant directly and make sure they understand the allergy. Remember to ask, even when ordering the usual, because the recipe, ingredients, chef or kitchen staff may have changed.

Ask for the dish to be labelled

Make sure the container will be labelled so that it’s clear when the meal arrives and there’s no risk of cross-contamination.

Be clear

Give examples of food that could cause a reaction and be clear about the allergy.

Follow your instincts

If the person you’re ordering from doesn’t understand the allergy or intolerance, ask to speak to the manager. If you still don’t feel confident, consider ordering elsewhere.