Posted 7 months ago
Thu 15 Aug, 2024 12:08 PM
Coming from a tropical country, the weather in the UK is quite different to the heat and humidity of India. Here's my suggestions of what to pack to make your transition to a cold country easier.
Winter coats
This may seem like a no-brainer, but a warm winter coat is an absolute must. And when I say warm, I mean warm. It should sustain you through the coldest night in Bath which can go down to -6°C in the winters!
The UK is notorious for its constant rain. No one wants to trudge through mud and puddles wearing their white sneakers. A trusty pair of waterproof boots is essential.
Waterproof jacket/coat
It's not just your feet that need protection from the rain but the rest of your body too. Usually the rain isn't heavy enough to warrant an umbrella, so waterproof jackets are just a more convenient option.
UK weather can change very quickly, so layering is key to staying comfortable. Make sure to have some t-shirts, sweaters, and cardigans to wear underneath your coat/waterproof jacket so you can stay comfortable and prepared for variable temperatures.
Thick, cosy socks!
There is nothing better than sinking your feet into the warmest socks possible. Add in fuzzy slippers and you have a golden combination!
Duvet, blankets and warm clothes for night time
Be prepared for the temperatures in your bedroom. During the day (7 am till midnight), temperatures stay between 16 and 21°C. The heating does turn off overnight, so make sure you have a duvet on your bed. You can either get your own duvet, buy it from the university, or loan it from ResLife operations. Blankets, throws and warm nightwear are also a good idea to have in your room, to help keep warm during the colder months.