Eid Mubarak

Posted 1 day ago

Celebrating the end of Ramadan

As we approach the joyous celebration of Eid, it's important to be well-prepared to make the most of the festival. Here are some useful things to know:

Preparing for Eid

From events to shopping, there are a few things you can think about before the end of Ramadan.

  • There are several Henna for Eid events taking place where we will be learning and sharing henna designs. These are on 25 March on campus and 28 March in the city.
  • Find out about shops in Bath if you're buying new clothes, fragrances, or jewellery ahead of Eid.
  • Fresh has a promotional end of tasty snacks throughout the month of Ramadan.
  • If you need other Eid essentials, visit one of the international supermarkets in Bath.
people celebrating with sparklers

Celebrating Eid

On the day, there are options for prayer and celebration.

For more information, read about Romayssa's experience of Ramadan at the University and our article with general information for Ramadan in Bath.