Avoid food waste and save money

Posted 1 year ago

Cutting down on food waste is easy

Throwing away food means wasting money, and energy. It also contributes to landfill and in general is not a sustainable way to live.

So how can you reduce food waste when living in halls? Here are some tips and tricks to help you:

Plan your meals

One of the main causes of food waste is buying too much food or food that you don't need. What is the solution? Planning your meals ahead of time. This way, you can make a shopping list based on what you already have in your cupboard and fridge. 

Top tip: To save even more money, try planning meals that use the same basic ingredients. 

Store your food properly

Everyone has been a culprit of letting food expire at some point. No one wants to eat mouldy bread and we definitely wouldn't advise it.

Storing your food in a sealed container or correctly in the fridge can help it last longer. Don't shy away from freezing things too! 

Read our top tips here. 

Use your leftovers

It can be hard to tell if you are cooking too much or too little. If you do have food left over, don't bin it. Put it into a Tupperware and either have it for lunch or dinner the next day.

Top tip: If it’s not a whole meal left over, see if you can transform it into a new dish for the next day. 

Think outside the box

It can be difficult to know what to cook when you've got a random selection of food left in the cupboard. Use these up and be creative! It will save you from throwing them out, reduce your food waste, and save you money.

There are plenty of apps out there to help you build recipes with items you have in the cupboard, SuperCook is a good place to start.

Reducing food waste when living in halls is easy and rewarding if you follow these tips and tricks. By doing so, you can help to protect the environment, save money and resources, and enjoy your food more.