Claire: What I eat in a day at University

Posted 8 months ago

As a mathematical sciences student

One of my busiest days of the week at university is Thursday, starting at 9:00 am and finishing at 6 pm. It is a very long day, especially in the winter when it can be dark before and after I leave the house! To help me through the long day of lectures I make sure to bring lots of snacks from home and to have a sit down lunch on campus - this also allows me to have a proper break from work and let’s me enjoy being on campus with my friends!

I start my day at around 7:30 am with a bowl of overnight oats which I prepared the night before. This is especially helpful for those early days when there's not enough time to make a whole meal before leaving for uni. On this day I added a banana and some biscoff, but I like to mix up my toppings each day to make it feel a bit less boring! I also sometimes bring this to campus with me in a little overnight oats pot so it's a very versatile breakfast option - perfect to have on-the-go.

After getting to campus and attending my first few lectures and tutorials of the day, I take my lunch break around 1 pm. 4 West Cafe always seems to be my go-to spot on campus for food, drink and studying whilst I’m on campus so I headed there to get a bite to eat. On this day I decided to try out a new panini. I got the mozzarella, chicken and pesto option and it was the perfect thing to warm me up on a cold Bath winters day. 4 West is always very busy so me and my friends were very glad to get a seat and sit down together to eat our food - especially as it was raining so much outside! 

Before heading to my next tutorial at 2:15 pm, I decided to grab a vanilla oat milk latte from 4 West in my exchange cup. With how quickly it gets dark outside now I definitely needed a coffee to help me power through the last few hours of work! I always make sure to bring a snack from home too, so I had my coffee along with a cereal bar in my next tutorial. Cereal bars are probably my favourite snack for uni as they're fairly filling and if you buy the ones I get, they give you a much-needed chocolate fix!

My last lecture got cancelled this day so I was lucky to be able to head home early and have my tea at home. I made myself a stir-fry, which is a very easy and typical student meal. I used this time as a chance to meal prep and use up all the veg in my fridge, so I was able to bring myself a portion of leftovers to uni the next day! There are microwaves dotted around campus to reheat any food that you bring with you so meal prepping is definitely a must when you're a student!