Study tips and spots around campus

Posted 1 month ago

Study smarter, not harder

Here are some tips that work for me and might just give you the spark to ace your course!

→ Pomodoro 

Some people prefer to lock in and just dive right into their task for hours at a time… and others are like me, a ping on my phone and I have this instinct to reach for it. That often leads to me getting sucked down this rabbit hole of reels and procrastination.  

One way I manage to evade this rabbit hole is the Pomodoro technique. It may be popular but that's because it works. Giving yourself a sufficient proportion of Study compared to rest helps me keep my mind fresh and motivated! My favourite ratio is 50 minutes of Study and then a 10-minute break. 

→ Study with people 

Studying with friends has two benefits for me, it keeps me accountable and also helps me clarify any doubts I have with some good-old- group learning. This however isn't everyone's cup of tea and often can end up in long-winded chats… I found out I am my most efficient when I sync up my Pomodoro with my friends so we can all take our breaks together and also lock in and make sure none of us get distracted. Want the accountability, but are friends too distracting? You could also pop along to one of the ResLife sessions where we can study together and also get to meet new people (especially potential study buddies). 

→ Picking the right spot for you 

Personally, sun or daylight is an absolute MUST for any productivity. Luckily campus spaces like the Management Building, Claverton Rooms, Floors 4 or 5 of the library and The Edge all have large windows that let plenty of sun and a comfortable environment to study in. There are also great spaces around John Wood Court.

I know some people prefer individual spaces with no visual distractions. Some locations like the Norwood Study Spaces or Floors 1 and 3 of the library, have spaces with lesser movement of people and more cubical-like seats to help the focus. 

→ Eating and sleeping well

A healthy brain is well rested and most of all well fed! I know I cannot function on an empty stomach and while meal prepping can feel like such a hassle in these busy times, it is not an excuse to skip meals. Keep yourself well-fed with an affordable £1.50 meal if you can’t find time to cook and don't forget to get your full night's rest! 

→ Make a plan... 

The most daunting part of revision is… getting started. My favourite way to tackle the GIGANTIC load of content the course presents is to break it down, instead of telling yourself you have a whole module to complete in 5 days, break it down and do it with breaks (Pomodoro maybe?). Make a spreadsheet and give yourself a little treat (Some Chocolate or iced Latte?) for every box you tick… You’ll make it to the end of your list. No matter how long… I believe in you!! 

→ WALKS!! 

Finally, my favourite piece of advice, go. on. a. Walk. With a double-digit temperature and the sun finally peeking through the clouds, it would be an absolute shame to not make good use of the amazing location of our campus. Even science tells us that when students returned from a short walk they performed 20% better.   

Most of all... Remember this: We are all doing the best we can :) Take care of yourself and give it your all !!