Finding your community at Bath

Posted 1 year ago

Real, heartwarming student stories

How you find your community at university is a unique experience for everyone. We asked some of our current students about how they found their community to give some ideas of where you might find your people.


In my first year, I didn’t take all the opportunities to join societies and clubs that I could have. For some reason, I’d manage to convince myself that the 5-minute walk from quads to the STV was ‘too much effort’. 

Starting my second year when the round trip to the STV takes an hour and a half, I quickly found that joining every sports club was unsustainable. It was in fact through making friends within my ResLife network that I would begin to find found my community. I came along to a BUMC (mountaineering) social where I instantly clicked with so many people and it became something I went to most Thursdays. Throughout the year, I formed amazing friendships within BUMC, which ultimately led me to take on the role of social sec for the club next year. So, I'd love to see you guys come along for some exhilarating climbing, walking, orienteering, or social events that we organise!

But it didn't end there. What initially started as my housemate's hobby of playing the Pokémon Scarlet video game transformed into a regular visit to the Bath TCG shop, where I immersed myself in building trading card teams and found yet another amazing community.

So go ahead and embark on your journey to find your university community. It's an adventure that will undoubtedly shape your university experience in the most incredible ways!


At the University of Bath, finding a community doesn't mean being limited to a single group of people. You can be part of multiple communities. Personally, I was fortunate enough to form a tight-knit group with my housemates. Despite our busy schedules, my housemates and I made a conscious effort to spend quality time together, organising house meals, going out as a group, and planning day trips, like exploring The Roman Baths. We even created our own version of "Come Dine With Me," taking turns to cook delicious meals and strengthening our bond.

I also found a community within DanceSoc, one of the many societies offered by the University of Bath. Although I initially had reservations, joining DanceSoc turned out to be one of the best decisions I made. Through attending their social events, dance shows, competitions, and training sessions, I formed really tight bonds with fellow members and created unforgettable memories. 

Joining sports teams played another significant role in my university experience. Joining Sailing and Tennis Society allowed me to connect with like-minded individuals who shared my passion for these activities.

In conclusion, my biggest piece of advice for anyone starting at the University of Bath is to join a society. Through societies, you can meet individuals who share your passions and form part of your university community, enriching your overall experience.


I found Freshers’ Week a great opportunity to socialise and meet lots of new people. Be sure not to miss out on the Sports and Groups fairs, where you can explore the range of societies and clubs on offer.

As a Management student, I attended the Management department mixers and thought it was a wonderful opportunity to be surrounded by like-minded students who share similar ambitions and career aspirations. These mixers not only introduced me to new friends on my course, but also created a support system where we can now help and assist one another throughout the course.

I strongly encourage you to join societies and sports clubs, whether it is pursuing your existing interests or exploring something new. I attended the Sustainable Fashion Society social and met some of my closest friends to this day.

As an international student myself, I understand that it can be scary moving to a new country. Joining the society of your country will allow you to connect with people who share your culture and experiences. Celebrate festive occasions, share traditions and find comfort in knowing that you have a group of friends to adjust to this new chapter with. 

Remember it's never too late to find your community, whether you're a first-year student, in your final year, or pursuing post-grad studies. There will always be individuals or a group out there waiting for you. And secondly, although it can be challenging, you must put yourself out there and be open to trying new things—even if it means sticking with something for a little while. Friendships take time to cultivate, so consistency is crucial.

See details of all the SU clubs and societies