Support and safety

Posted 1 month ago

Find out more about the financial support fund and security

We provide students with support and guidance, including counselling and mental health, disability support, money management and international student advice.

be well sign

Find supportive events, tips and tools to help you stay positive, healthy and productive while studying at Bath. Head to the Be Well page here.

  • Wellbeing events - A range of events, activities workshops and courses to support your wellbeing.
  • Be Well - Talk Now - Gives you access to support from an adviser by phone or live chat 24 hours a day to talk you through any problems you may have.
  • Six Ways to Be Well - Six ways to Be Well helps you maintain or build your overall wellbeing in small steps.
  • Be Well app - Download the free Be Well app which provides you with the tools to start building healthy, positive habits into your everyday life. Explore resources such as podcasts, blogs and activities, track your wellbeing, set daily habits or view the feed for wellbeing events.
  • Student blogs - A blog with tips on maintaining a healthy lifestyle as a Bath student. The Be Well blog shares helpful tips and hints to look after your wellbeing. Many of the blogs are written by students for students so you can see first-hand what works.
Financial support fund sign

Have you been hit with an unexpected cost you can't afford to pay? Apply to the hardship fund, it's a non repayable grant!

What Is The Financial Support Fund?

The University of Bath Financial Support Fund provides limited financial support for students who are experiencing financial difficulties, or a change in financial circumstances due to unforeseen events and are unable to meet basic or unexpected additional costs from other sources of support.

The Fund is intended to act as a safety net for those in financial difficulty rather than a main source of income.

The Financial Support Fund can assist with following costs:

  • Food
  • Rent
  • Utility bills
  • Travel to University
  • Course related costs such as books & equipment (but not tuition fees).

Apply online by visiting:


Everyone at the University of Bath has the right to feel safe, which is why we take reports of bullying, harassment, hate incidents and sexual misconduct seriously.

We have specialist staff to support and advise you on options for what happens next and how to access professional support.

Inappropriate behaviour can include bullying, discrimination, domestic abuse, harassment, hate crimes and incidents, and microaggressions. However, anything that makes you feel uncomfortable can be reported, even if it doesn’t fall into these specific categories.

There are three ways to report an incident

  • With contact details: we can respond and discuss your case with you, enabling you to decide how to proceed.
  • Through a person you trust: enabling you to remain anonymous while advice and guidance is given through the person you trust.
  • Anonymously: You cannot be identified. We use anonymous reports to better understand the issues impacting our University community, to monitor patterns, and to shape our prevention of, and response to, unwanted behaviour.

Emergency Contact Details

Call 999 if you are off-campus or in a non-university building and a student is at risk.

For serious emergencies in university managed buildings, you can call University Security for assistance. They can help by providing emergency services with directions to your location to ensure they reach you as quickly as possible.

Make sure to save the security number on your phone: 01225 383999 (for emergencies only).

security sign

Friendly, approachable and always available to help 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

999 is a free phone number to call the police, an ambulance or the fire service. secure, access-controlled bicycle shelters on campus and at some city accommodation


The SafeZone is free app for University of Bath, staff and students which contributes to safeguarding the welfare of all staff and students.

SafeZone enables all staff and students to:

  • Immediately contact the Security team in an emergency
  • Get first aid when on campus
  • Receive notifications during an emergency situation

You can easily report non-emergency issues, such as damage on campus, being locked out, or suspicious activity using the ‘Report a Tip’ button.