Roasted cauliflower with cashew nuts

Posted 3 months ago

A must on your Christmas dinner!

Delight in the nutty, golden flavours of roasted cauliflower paired with crunchy cashew nuts. 

Prep time: 10 mins
Cooking time: 20 mins


  • Fresh Cauliflower (whole)
  • Cashew nuts 100 grams (roasted or salted)
  • Seasoning (salt and pepper)
  • Oil
  • Garlic
  • Butter (melted)


  1. Prepare fresh cauliflower and break into florets (remove green outer leaves) Keep stalk & green leaves for gravy if desired
  2. Cut florets to the same size
  3. (If prepping the night before, blanch in boiling salted water)
  4. Add the florets to a mixing bowl with the oil, garlic and seasoning
  5. Add butter to the florets before baking will make them nice and brown
  6. Bake on a baking tray in a preheated oven 180°C for 20 mins
  7. When the cauliflower is golden brown add cashew nuts in the last 5 mins of cooking
  8. Serve

💡 Hint: The stalk and green leaves of the cauliflower can be added to the gravy pot once washed!

Skip to 04:56 for roasted cauliflower